Nahls contains Nahlsgen at the recommended maximum concentration.
is a revolutionary anti-aging cosmetic ingredient invented at Kyoto University in 2012.
activates your skin cells and increases collagen and elastin.
Nahlsgen also has been proven as
prominent ingredient for skin care based on experimental data and medicine thesis.
Beyond the 30's, skin cells lose vitality and collagen and elastin are
reduced. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and gloss, while wrinkles and sagging skin
becomes more conspicuous.
Nahlsgen provides vitality to this skin and creates a firmness and
Nahlsgen is a breakthrough aging-care cosmetic ingredient discovered at Kyoto University,
co-developed with Osaka City University, and created in 2012 through an
industry-academia collaboration.
The unique attribute of Nahlsgen is that it
stimulates the innate human power of skin regeneration and thus reduces the effects of
skin aging. Nahlsgen promotes the ability to maintain firm and smooth skin.
※Nahlsgen is a registered trademark of nahls Corporation.
Nahlsgen allows the body to produce:
Basic experiments in our laboratory have shown that Nahlsgen activates dermal fibroblasts and
increases dermal collagen, elastin and HSP47.
Collagen, elastin, and HSP47 are proteins of
the dermis and they are important ingredients for the firmness and gloss of the skin.
Nahlsgen increases by 2 to 3 times the amount of "collagen" that keeps the elasticity, firmness and luster of the skin.
Nahlsgen increases the elastic fiber "Elastin" by approximately 1.5 times.
Nahlsgen increases HSP47, which enhances collagen quality, approximately 1.3 times.
It has been found that Nahlsgen increases hyaluronic acid, which keeps the skin moisturized, and HSP (Heat Shock Protein) 70, which works to prevent spots, wrinkles, and sporadic lines.
Nahlsgen has been proven to have a synergistic effect when used with Vitamin C.
Using Nahlsgen
+ Vitamin C together produced more collagen than using each alone.
Nahlsgen is a very small amino-acid derivative with a molecular weight of 331.26
Since it is a smaller component than low molecular weight collagen, it
penetrates deeply and thoroughly into the stratum corneum.
It has been shown that Nahlsgen brings firmness and gloss to the skin by adjusting the
natural moisturizing power of the cells themselves.
This is one of the most important
points as moisturizing is the basis of anti-aging skin care.
Test results using a lotion containing Nahlsgen for 1 to 3 months in a human monitor test, the skin elasticity was significantly improved compared to the placebo.
Ultraviolet rays increase the reactive oxygen on skin and thus cause damage. Furthermore,
UV kills fibroblasts and degrades collagen and elastin. This is called
Nahlsgen has been proven to reduce UV damage in basic experiments
Nahlsgen has been proved by basic experiments to increase the amount of glutathione in
epidermal cells, reducing incidence of blemishing.
Glutathione is a highly
antioxidant component of the human body and skin.
Nahlsgen can be expected to have nine aging-care effects including collagen production
and elastin production.
In addition, since the nahls brand products contain Nahlsgen
which always contains vitamin C derivatives, it can be expected to help improve major
anti-aging care effects.
Nahlsgen is a safe aging-care cosmetic ingredient that is neither irritating or
Based on the "Guidelines for Safety Evaluation of Cosmetics" test (Japan
Cosmetic Industry Association), no toxicity or irritation was observed.
in four additional tests, toxicity to humans or cells was not observed.